The Calligraphy Society of South Australia (CSSA) has been active since
1983 and aims to promote calligraphy and related arts such as book binding, illumination, lettering, flourishing and much
more to the Adelaidiean community.
On December 16, 1983 a meeting was held in the library of the South Australian Collage of Advanced Education. The meeting was attended by about a dozen people who being of like mind resolved to "form the Calligraphy Society of South Australia" with Frank Caspers elected as Chairman, Roland Eime as Secretary/Treasurer and Ruth Venner, Don Hatcher, and Kevin Keeler as Committee Members.
The general tone of the Society was set by the last item on the agenda of our inaugural meeting "conversation and coffee", a tradition which continues to this day and does much to preserve and promote the friendly character of the Society.
The second workshop details are:
“Decorative Letters for Calligraphy and Beyond” – Wednesday 6th November, 1pm to 3pm, The Summit Community Centre, 4 Crescent Drive, Norton Summit
In this workshop we will explore the shapes and relationships of letter forms in the traditional Roman and Foundational alphabets. You will discover how beautifully proportioned letters are constructed and form a template for understanding the various “hands” or styles of calligraphy and lettering. You will create your own uppercase alphabet, the Majuscules, and lowercase alphabet, the Minuscules. The knowledge and insight into letter shapes and proportions gained from this workshop will be a useful addition to the repertoire of artists who work with letters on paper and other media, including textiles and ceramics – in fact anyone who uses lettering in their arts and crafts.
Book through Eventbrite:
Please see the Meetings & Workshops page for further details
Here are some examples of the works on display at our recent exhibition
In addition, some of our members gave demonstrations to interested onlookers.